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Can Movement Patterns Really Be Standardized?

At AAPTE, we believe structure determines function and condition of structure determines opportunity. “Training movement” is a piece of the exercise equation. Our partner at The Cofactor, wrote a clear and concise article that addresses why training movement patterns without a functional understanding of what is moving, is a concern.

Movement is the new buzz word sweeping across the fitness industry, with fans, believers, and devoted followers.

Not a day goes by without an Instagram post, a blog or YouTube video saying “it is about movement” and “train movements” etc.

In my attempt to lookup movement patterns, I found some references saying it is 5 patterns, others referred to 6 patterns and finally references to7 patterns.

movement patterns

Based on those movement patterns, movement screens were also developed and regularly conducted on clients and athletes, outcomes are then used to determine patterns needing work or improvement, so trainers can focus on them, at least in theory.

Based on movement patterns we are expected to squat in a specific form, push in a specific form, deadlift in a specific form etc. This line of thinking, of course, makes life easy for us trainers as all we have to do is look for a few reference points and judge if the move matches a pattern dictated to us.

It is no wonder in the age of prepackaged everything, trainers jump all over the idea, we really do not need to think, we just need to follow “protocols” or some pre-determined motions while sounding intelligent! rather than analyzing and getting down to the bottom of issues. The later is hard work and dedication.

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